Covid-19 Assistance for Arts and Entertainment Workers
Packages, grants and funds for arts workers and suppliers across Australia.
With the Covid-19 pandemic continuing to disrupt the employment and income of arts workers across Australia, we’ve put together a short list of places you can turn to if you need help, or to recover lost income or fund a future project. Be sure to check the rules carefully and compare the payments to find the best option for your situation.
Please note, this list is a guide only for the arts sector support available.
A number of Federal and State government payments are available for Australian residents who have lost work and income from Covid-19 related lock downs and restrictions; as well as payments for people required to self-isolate or quarantine. Payments and eligibility vary for each.
Covid-19 Disaster Payment: A Federal government lump sum payment to help workers unable to earn income due to a Covid-19 state public health order.
Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment: The Victorian State Governement’s Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment is a lump sum payment to help you during the 14 days you need to self-isolate, quarantine or care for someone.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Test Isolation Payment: Support payments for workers waiting for waiting for Covid-19 test results.
Support for arts and entertainment industry workers is available from a range of government sources, not-for-profit organisations and cultural institutions too. Some provide financial support, others are there to support the mental health of workers during a difficult time. In addition, there are grant opportunities open for the development of new work.
- Restart Investment to Sustain and Expand (RISE) Fund: Funding for major organisations, and individuals, to stage cultural activities, projects and events that would otherwise be unable to proceed because of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Sustaining Creative Workers Initiative: Grants range from $5000—$10,000 for individuals, collectives, micro-organisations and businesses to assist in reopening in the wake of the pandemic. Each grant can support the creation of new work as well as professional development. The program is open to Victorian artists from any medium, or career stage, and is funded by a $15m package supplied by the Victorian Government.
Non-Governmental Organisations and Grants
Support Act: Support Act offers crisis relief services to artists, crew and music workers as a result of ill health, injury, a mental health problem, or some other crisis that impacts on their ability to work in music.
The Arts Wellbeing Collective: A place to find resources and services to support the positive mental health of performing arts workers. Run by Arts Centre Melbourne.
Performing Lines: Hyper Local: Performing Lines is offering Victoria-based artists $26,500 grants to create and develop new performance works. In addition, grants receive production, tech support and venue hire.
This list is just a selection we thought could be helpful and is far from exhaustive. If you have a suggestion for a support program or grant opportunity to add to the list, please send it through to hello@rising.melbourne