RISING's Statement on the Voice to Parliament
Centring First Peoples’ stories and culture lies at the core of RISING’s ethos. By engaging with the diversity of perspectives of Traditional Owners, Elders, artists, and curators, we enliven and deepen our collective knowledge.
In keeping with our commitment to listening to and platforming First Nations voices, RISING supports the aspirations of the Uluru Statement from the Heart—formalising both Constitutional recognition of First Peoples and the creation of an enduring and meaningful voice in our national Parliament. We support the Yes case with the understanding that it’s a first step in a process that must include Treaty and Truth-telling. And we do it while holding respect for differing opinions on how best to move forward. Art and democracy should both be places for discourse.
As an organisation, we say Yes in the hope that it opens a new path for First Nations people and communities. As an organisation we stand by First Nations people, always.
Further reading/listening/viewing
The Uluru Statement of the Heart
10 questions about the Voice to Parliament - answered by the experts, The Conversation
'Voices on the Voice: Marcia Langton', The University of Sydney
'The Fight for a Voice: The road to the referendum', 7am podcast
The 2023 Dr Charles Perkins Oration, delivered by Rachel Perkin, The University of Sydney
Image: RISING.